While in Haiti, one of the souvenirs that you could buy (but I didn't due to lack of time) was a custom-made bracelet. They had pre-made "Haiti" ones, but you could also have them write your name or the date or what-have-you on the bracelet. I wanted to get one, but didn't. However, after inspecting a friend's, I figured it was something I could manage. And I was right! All you need is curved thick plastic (I used an almond butter container) and embroidery floss.
Here's the process:
1) Wash out empty almond butter container. Try to get as much of the label off as possible (it might show through), but any label fuzz or goo left on the plastic actually helps keep the floss in place.
3) Remove rim and bottom of container with scissors. (I actually broke a pair doing this so be careful - a razor blade would probably work better)
4) Cut container into strips around 1/2" wide. At the ends of the strips, cut small notches on either side to help hold the floss when you start and end wrapping.
5) Cut seven strands of your letter color and one strand of main color. The letter color strands should be able to wrap around your wrist twice and the main color should be 18" long.
6) Make a knot at one end of the strands and braid them together for 2". Finish with a knot.
7) Start wrapping the main color around the strip and the letter colors. Make sure the seven letter strands lie flat and close to one another. Secure the main color in the notches. Wrap five or six times with the main color before starting your letters.
8) When making letters, flip back the strands that will be needed for each vertical stripe of that letter. For the beginning of an "A," you would flip back all strands.
For the inside of an "A," you would flip back just the top and the fourth strands.
I did three wraps of the main color for the insides of letters, one wrap between each letter, and two wraps between words.
***IMPORTANT NOTE!!!*** Always wrap as tightly as possible and keep the letter strands as close as possible without overlapping or twisting.
9) After finishing your words, wrap with the main color the same number of times you wrapped it at the beginning of the strip. If there's extra uncovered plastic, cut it off, leaving enough space for notches.
10) Secure the main strand in the notches and tie a knot with all the strands.
11) Braid another 2" with all eight strands and finish with a knot.
Enjoy your new commemorative bracelet!