Although I hate coming upon blogs that begin with these words, here they are anyway: "It's been a long time..."
I have decided to give the blog another try, but this time with a new direction. The blog was originally created with the intent of documenting my travels throughout Spain and Europe during my year of studying abroad. Now I'm back at Union College in NE and finishing up my college career. In an attempt to keep myself accountable, I intend on keeping track of my progress in the following three areas: running, knitting, and baking. Here's why:
1) Running: I've decided that I'm going to take on the challenge of competing in Lincoln's half-marathon on May 1. Even if no one reads this blog, I hope to keep track of hope much I run each week between now and then right here.
2) Knitting: I've also recently decided to join up with the Knitting Olympics, both the Harlot-sponsored ones and the Ravelympics (via Team uKNITversity). This blog will be a great spot to keep track of my progress and see how it all turns out. I'll be casting on tomorrow night during the opening ceremonies for a multi-colored cabled scarf based on the pattern from Smariek's Persephone Mitts.
3) Baking (and cooking too I suppose): I've been experimenting in the kitchen recently (I'm starting to get sick of that word), and I've decided that I should share the yumminess with whoever might happen to drop by. So I'll be posting pictures and commentary regarding how recipes do, or don't, turn out.
Here's to diverse verbage! :)